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Online identification and digital signatures

We enable trust in a digital world.

Certified identification and signing solu­tions from fidentity that will de­light both you and your cus­tomers. For better con­version rates. Max­imum reliability and quick time-to-market.

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Certified solutions.
Modularly combinable.

Whether IDENT, SIGN, or ONBOARD,our solutions integrate seamlessly into your processes. Certifications guarantee compliance with all regulatory guidelines and reduce complexity.

Trusted by more than just the banks.

Companies from various industries rely on fidentity’s identification and signing solutions.

Bank Avera Bank Avera
Post Post
Thurgau KB Thurgau KB
St.Galler KB St.Galler KB
Valiant Valiant
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Zuger Kantonalbank Zuger Kantonalbank

Like a wet ink signature. Done in 120 seconds.

Mockup of the fidentity simpleSIGN process, prompting the user to smile.

A signature on paper is always legally valid but takes time. Digital signatures are fast, yet signing with a few clicks is legally uncertain. simpleSIGN is as secure as a hand­written signature and can be done in 120 seconds, iden­tification included.

Legally valid digital signing: With a smartphone, a valid iden­tification document, and a smile you can get a legally binding signature, which, in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obli­gations (CO), is equivalent to a hand­written signature.


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The key to success.

Striking the right bal­ance between com­pliance, security and cus­tomer con­venience is often dif­ficult. Com­promises are often unavoidable.

Based on our experience, we have optimized our solutions the point where you no longer need to make any difficult compromises. You can meet the highest compliance requirements while offering a state-of-the-art user experience. And we continue to work to make our solutions better every day.



Iden­tification and signing are com­pletely seam­less, requiring only a valid ident­ification docu­ment, a smart­phone, and a smile. The solu­tions are web-based. No app down­load. No SMS code. Con­venient authen­tication via bio­metrically linked device login.



Security by design is our stand­ard. In all our solutions, we inte­grate security aspects into the devel­opment process right from the start. Our bank-grade security frame­work naturally also com­plies with the data pro­tection regu­lations according to GDPR (EU) and FADP (Switzerland).



We use modular prin­ciple to quickly im­plement cus­tomised solu­tions that meet your specific re­quire­ments. Our appli­cations are multi-channel capable and can be used seam­lessly across various com­muni­cation channels, such as web, app, mobile phone, chat, email without the need to make any ad­justments.



Don’t keep your cus­tomers waiting and im­prove your con­version rates with our in­tuitive and user-friendly appli­cations. Com­pared to con­ventional video iden­tification solu­tions, it is possible to in­crease them by up to 50 percent.



We do not leave security to chance. This is why in­ternal ex­perts regu­larly check our appli­cations for vul­ner­abilities using pen­etra­tion tests. We also take part in a bug boun­ty pro­gram in which “friend­ly hack­ers” track down po­ten­tial secu­rity vul­ner­abilities before it is too late.



We de­velop all fidentity com­po­nents our­selves and do not en­gage in near- or off­shoring. We also re­ly 100% on Swiss-made for op­er­ation and host­ing. This gives us end-to-end con­trol over our so­lu­tion and al­lows us to eas­ily ex­tend it with in­di­vid­ual mod­ules.



60 sec­onds for suc­cessful iden­tifi­cation. 2 min­utes for a qual­ified sig­na­ture. All de­ci­sions are made within sec­onds by our AI en­gine and are traceable, comparable, and repeatable. Of course, we can adapt de­ci­sion cri­te­ria in­di­vid­u­al­ly to your busi­ness use case.



Our solu­tions are au­di­ted by KPMG: SIGN meets the high­est le­gal sig­na­ture stan­dard, com­par­able to a hand­written sig­na­ture. KPMG also con­firms com­pli­ance with the re­quire­ments ofFINMA Cir­cu­lar 2016/7, FINMA Cir­cu­lar 2018/3 (Out­sourc­ing) and 2008/21 (Oper­ational risks).



All our solu­tions fit seam­lessly into your busi­ness pro­cesses and put your brand at the fore­front. Thanks to our sophis­ticated white labelling sys­tem, you can adapt col­ours, fonts, and logos to your indi­vidual re­quire­ments, al­lowing you to cre­ate a con­sis­tent brand expe­ri­ence

Certified at the highest level.

Zertifikat kpmg ETSI TS 119 461 - Certified Identity Proofing Process

fidentity stands for the highest security and compliance standards. We are certified in accordance with ETSI TS 119 461 , the leading standard for secure proof of identity, on which both the Swiss Digital Signature Act ZertES and the European eIDAS Regulation are based. Our certification also covers standards such as DIN EN 419241-1, ETSI EN 319 401 and ISO/IEC 30107-3.

We provide innovative and legally compliant solutions that adhere to the rigorous Swiss and European signature laws (ZertES and eIDAS) as well as anti-money laundering regulations, such as the FINMA Circular 2016/7. Our bespoke solutions combine security and innovation, making them ideal for the Swiss and European legal framework.

fidentity keeps you securely compliant at all times - everything is provided from a single source and certified to the highest standards.

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Portrait René Greiss, Head of Sales and Business Development
René Greiss

Head of Sales and Business Development

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Our partnerships for your success.

We rely on strong partnerships for an outstanding product that is perfectly tailored to your needs. Our extensive network ranges from local to national and international partners.