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ONBOARD - customized tools for easy onboarding

Practical tools for smooth onboarding.

Supplement the onboarding process with individual modules. With ONBOARD, you can seamlessly supplement your individual process steps and at the same time benefit from the advantages of the standard IDENT and SIGN solutions.

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Supplement your processes with ONBOARD and stay flexible.

Complete the onboarding journey simply and easily with ONBOARD. Just as you wish.


Simple data capture. Collect information seamlessly with our form engine.

Aggregate data

Optimal documentation. Personalize and specify PDF templates.

Personalize PDFs
Icon minimize Risks

Comprehensive checks.
For onboarding without risks.

Minimize risks

Trusted by more than just the banks.

Companies from various industries rely on fidentity’s identification and signing solutions.

Bank Avera Bank Avera
Post Post
Thurgau KB Thurgau KB
St.Galler KB St.Galler KB
Valiant Valiant
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Zuger Kantonalbank Zuger Kantonalbank

User-friendly forms. For efficient data capture.

ONBOARD gives you access to our comprehensive forms engine to simplify the capture and processing of data in identity and signing processes.

In many iden­ti­ty and sign­ing sce­nar­ios, users need to pro­vide key in­fo­r­ma­tion like ad­dress­es, sources of funds, or wal­let de­tails. With ONBOARD, you ac­cess a ver­sa­tile form en­gine that sup­ports a wide range of in­puts—from sim­ple text fields and mul­ti­ple-choice op­tions to drop­down menus. Scan­ning pa­per doc­u­ments, such as util­i­ty bills, is also in­clud­ed. Users can com­plete all steps in one seam­less ses­sion, while you re­ceive all the re­quired in­for­ma­tion neat­ly pack­aged in one place.


Custom PDFs. For easy documen­tation.

Whether data from your backend, the identification process or from form inputs: With ONBOARD you can easily personalise individual PDF templates with user data or define placeholders for content fields.

The customisation of PDF templates is often a complex process. ONBOARD allows you to provide templates and complete them with the data collected during the process. For example, you can capture the name with IDENT, insert the name into a contract document, and then have the entire document signed.

Icon minimize Risks

Dili­gent. For se­cure on­boarding.

PEP, sanctions lists or links to organized crime: With ONBOARD, we carry out due diligence checks for you in the background.

Thorough due diligence on new clients usually includes a background check to ensure you are not dealing with sanctioned individuals. ONBOARD gives you access to industry-standard databases of people who could pose a risk to your business. Categories such as PEP, sanctions lists or links to organized crime are checked. In addition, ONBOARD allows you to perform residence checks based on third-party databases.

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Portrait René Greiss, Head of Sales and Business Development
René Greiss

Head of Sales and Business Development

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fidentity’s certified solutions, modular by design.