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SIGN - simple, secure and fast digital signing

Sign digitally.
Legal certainty guaranteed.

Qualified signatures (QES) are equivalent to handwritten signatures in Switzerland and the EU. In most countries, a QES also complies with the requirements of money laundering legislation.

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Sign digitally.
For everyone. Always legally valid.

Do not take any unnecessary risks. With SIGN you always sign securely and legally – thanks to qualified electronic signatures (QES). Certified for Switzerland and the EU.

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Simple for everyone.
Can be used without preconditions.

Sign immediately
Icon sty compliant

For all contracts.
Thanks to integrated identification.

Stay compliant
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Everything from a single source. For smooth integration.

Getting started

Trusted by more than just the banks.

Companies from various industries rely on fidentity’s identification and signing solutions.

Bank Avera Bank Avera
Post Post
Thurgau KB Thurgau KB
St.Galler KB St.Galler KB
Valiant Valiant
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Zuger Kantonalbank Zuger Kantonalbank

Sign digitally in 2 minutes. With the gold standard.

With SIGN from fidentity, you get a solution that has been audited by KPMG and meets the legal requirements in both Switzerland (ZertES) and the EU (eIDAS).

Signatures on paper hinder the digitalisation of business processes. However, digital signatures created with just a few clicks are not legally binding. In Switzerland and the EU, only the "qualified electronic signature" (QES) is legally equivalent to a handwritten signature.

This allows you to implement a fully digital process with SIGN while ensuring legal security. SIGN enables you and your customers to sign documents easily, quickly, and securely – anytime and anywhere.

Mockup of the fidentity process, showing a smartphone requesting access to Face ID.
Mockup of the fidentity IDENT process, showing the legal notice and confirmation
Mockup of the fidentity identification process, showing the final success screen.
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Can be used at any time.

Users can sign immediately at any time. fidentity recognizes whether identification is necessary and always guides the user through the correct process. Simple for the majority of your users and reliable in edge cases. Signing works without preconditions, without downloading the app and without registering with a password. All you need is a smartphone, a valid ID document and a smile.

Ease of use

Fast for power users

Whether for one-off signatures or regular use: signing contracts with SIGN is simple and secure and is suitable for external and internal contracting parties such as customers, employees or partners. Thanks to secure authentication via the user’s device login, there is no need for cumbersome user registration with a password.

Simple for all users

Your users want to use your service. They are not interested in regulation or signatures. With fidentity, they make it as easy as possible for you to complete the tedious steps. The process is guided, there are no unnecessary decisions to make and help is always just a click away.

Integrated into your processes

If you pass your users back and forth between different solutions, they tend to get lost. You can recognize this by poor completion rates. SIGN works perfectly in conjunction with your existing processes. We provide you with optimal support in creating a guided, uninterrupted process that your users understand. Apart from fidentity, you do not need any other solutions for identification and signature. The visual and technical integration into existing solutions is seamless.

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For all contracts.

Digital sig­natures from fidentity are the ideal so­lution for all types of con­tracts – es­pe­cially when legal written form is re­quired or when there is a high li­ability risk. SIGN from fidentity meets the re­quire­ments of a qua­lified elec­tronic sig­nature in ac­cordance with ZertES and eIDAS, making it legally equi­valent to a hand­written sig­nature.

Legally compliant in EU and Switzerland

A solution for all of Europe

The Qualified Electronic Signature is legally equivalent to the handwritten signature in Switzerland(ZertES) and the EU(eIDAS). It has the highest probative value, but requires the signer to identify himself with official identification. Thanks to the seamlessly integrated identification with IDENT, the digital signature is completed in just a few minutes.

Comply with formal requirements

Avoid risks due to form er­rors: Many con­tracts are sub­ject to ex­plicit or im­plicit form re­quire­ments. A credit con­tract with con­sumers must be ei­ther hand­writ­ten or signed with a qual­ified elec­tronic sig­nature (QES) to be le­gally valid. An em­ploy­ment con­tract is valid with­out a QES, but fixed-term clauses are only en­force­able if signed with a QES. With SIGN, you are always on the safe side by al­ways signing with QES - the highest signature stan­dard. This way, you avoid un­ne­cessary form er­rors.

Comply with regulation

In many countries, e.g. Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg or Romania, a QES proves that the identification is sufficiently strong to comply with the due diligence requirements of money laundering regulation. Financial service providers can therefore fulfill all regulatory requirements by combining IDENT and SIGN.

Icon getting started

From a single source.

SIGN in­te­grates seam­lessly into your ex­isting pro­cesses. In com­bi­nation with IDENT, you re­ceive a com­plete peace-of-mind package – with­out the need for ad­di­tional service providers or an app. The fidentity mod­ules work smooth­ly with your ex­isting pro­cess and so­lu­tion land­scape, en­suring con­sistent ef­fi­ciency.

Developed and managed in Switzerland

All in one

SIGN works perfectly in combination with IDENT. You do not need any other service providers in addition to fidentity, as the legally required identification is seamlessly integrated into the signature process. SIGN is easy to integrate into existing systems and workflows.

Easy to integrate

Thanks to modern APIs, fidentity can be easily integrated into existing processes and controlled by them. If required, special adapters are also possible, which make interaction with legacy applications child’s play.

Uninterrupted brand presence

With SIGN, you be­nefit from a com­pre­hensive white-la­belling op­tion for the en­tire so­lution. This way, your brand re­mains pre­sent at every step of the pro­cess, and your cus­tomers are not dis­tracted by dif­ferent brands or logos. This en­sures a con­sistent cus­tomer ex­perience and strengthens brand loy­alty.

Your advantages with SIGN

Avoid unnecessary risks – with SIGN, you, your customers, and partners always sign with full legal validity using our qualified electronic signatures (QES).

Our solution is certified in Switzerland and the EU and meets all applicable legal requirements, ensuring that you always remain legally compliant. The application is easy to use, completely web-based and multichannel capable. Rely on SIGN for more security and convenience with electronic signatures.



Delight your customers with an intuitive user experience and avoid frustration and detours via the app store. The fully web-based process can be seamlessly integrated into your business processes.



SIGN has been audited by KPMG and fulfills all legal requirements for the qualified electronic signature QES. Only this standard is equivalent to a handwritten signature.



One application for Switzerland and the EU: SIGN fulfills all legal requirements in Switzerland in accordance with ZertES. It also meets the requirements of the EU in accordance with eIDAS.

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Portrait René Greiss, Head of Sales and Business Development
René Greiss

Head of Sales and Business Development

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fidentity’s certified solutions, modular by design.